E Emaj7 Like a comet Amaj7 A Blazing 'cross the evening sky E A Gone too soon E Emaj7 Like a rainbow E7 Amaj7 A Fading in the twinkling of an eye E E7 Gone too soon Amaj7 Shiny and sparkly D#m7 And splendidly bright G#m Here one day E F#sus4 E F#sus4 Gone one night E Emaj7 Like the loss of sunlight E7 Amaj7 A On a cloudy afternoon E C D Gone too soon G Gmaj7 Like a castle G7 Cmaj7 C Built upon a sandy beach G C Gone too soon G Gmaj7 Like a perfect flower G7 Cmaj7 C That is just beyond your reach G G7 Gone too soon Cmaj7 Born to amuse F#m7 To inspire to delight Bm Here one day G Asus4 G Asus4 Gone one night G Gmaj7 Like a sunset G7 Cmaj7 C Dying with the rising of the moon G C G C Gone too soon Gmaj7 Gone too soon ============== Capo 1 Version ============== Capo 1 G Gmaj7 Like a comet Cmaj7 C Blazing 'cross the evening sky G C Gone too soon G Gmaj7 Like a rainbow G7 Cmaj7 C Fading in the twinkling of an eye G G7 Gone too soon Cmaj7 Shiny and sparkly Fm7 And splendidly bright Bm Here one day G Asus4 G Asus4 Gone one night G Gmaj7 Like the loss of sunlight G7 Cmaj7 C On a cloudy afternoon G D# F Gone too soon Bb Bbmaj7 Like a castle Bb7 D#maj7 D# Built upon a sandy beach Bb D# Gone too soon Bb Bbmaj7 Like a perfect flower Bb7 D#maj7 D# That is just beyond your reach Bb Bb7 Gone too soon D#maj7 Born to amuse G#m7 To inspire to delight Dm Here one day Bb Csus4 Bb Csus4 Gone one night Bb Bbma7 Like a sunset Bb7 D#maj7 D# Dying with the rising of the moon Bb D# Bb D# Gone too soon Bbmaj7 Gone too soon